Friday, September 19, 2008

Abandoner OST.

All cover art stolen without regret from Chudah's Corner.

What I see: This cover is pure punk rock. It's just some creased black paper and some stickers, but one of those stickers is a parental advisory warning, and it just oozes that angry, DIY feel that all good punk does. And Abandoner is a pretty great title for a band anyway. I'm quite sure the text under Abandoner does kind of give up the ghost, but I can't read it so I'm sure it's all awesome and not badly translated Japanese talking about the joys of finding a record shop in Seattle. This is the kind of thing I'd like to imagine you'd find on vinyl, in a used record store on the wrong side of the tracks, the last surviving relic from a band that made a record that rocked your face off, before breaking up in a gigantic brawl that left one dead and several wounded. It should be that aggressive.

What I expect to hear: They might play poorly and the lead singer might only barely be able to sing, but they're aggressive, loud, and full of righteous anger, so they make it kick ass.

Would I buy this album based on this cover: Hells yeah!

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