Friday, October 31, 2008

The Q-Mex Collection

Image stolen from Chudah's Corner, , obviously.

What I see: Poor child prodigy. Sure, you can play piano really well, and you have thick framed glasses which are apparently cool now*, but do your parents really love you? Or are they just using you as a means to get fame and (more likely) fortune for themselves? Once you're old and ugly like Macaulay Culkin, will they just drop you and steal all your money?

What I expect to hear: Well, he's sitting at a piano, looking slightly pensive, probably Beethoven?

Would I buy it? Well, I DO like Beethoven.

*Okay, thick framed glasses, it's on. Yes, I know they look good on women with dark hair who wear turtlenecks. Hell, I've got some sort of strange thing for that. But seriously, they're not cool for everyone else! I'd like to think that, as a society, we should be making our glasses thinner and more streamlined, not thickening them up like some sort of...thing...that needs thickening. When I replace my glasses, I fear I'll be stuck getting some clunky 'trendy' frames instead of something really frameless and sleek, that will blend in with my head better. I'll look horrible with trendy glasses, or at least like some insufferable hipster. I know I have hipster tendencies, but I don't want to become a full blown one! And I'm lightly annoyed by the frames on my glasses enough, how I can always see the edge of them. How bad is that going to be when the frames are bloody huge like the trend is nowdays? Pretty goddamn bad, I'll tell you what. Hell, this shit gives you a goddamn blind spot. A small one, I admit, and I've got so bloody much hair that blinds me way more, but that's hardly the point.

Maybe when I get the last silver frameless glasses in the universe (it's what I intend to get when I replace my current, lightly unattractive brown frames), I'll start a new trend. Because I am sick of thick framed glasses on anyone who isn't a dark haired girl in a turtleneck.

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